Did you have ever had the chance to observe people making aperitive, look at what they drink and then look at their outfit, especially shoes? I did! But here comes a little bit of romance.
Ok, I can't say there is a mathematical correlation between what you wear and what you drink but some common underneath elements for sure:
Elegant business-man in black, just after work. They have never time to stop home and wear a pair of jeans, they come directly from the office. They are the worse. You know why? Because they are wearing a mask and you cannot understand how they really are. Multitude of facades. Many type of wines. Many type of drinks. Not too far away the chance they start directly with a cocktail to release the stress and reduce the "time-to-get-drunk" period, especially in the big busy cities. Or simply the time to get tipsy (softer view). Rarely you see them ordering with awareness of the facts. True. I am generalizing now. It's a story. Anyway, they drink it quite fast. Conclusion: there is no type of wine for this category (sometimes).
Ripped jeans, last autumn-winter collection of sneakers, alternative but attentive to details. They follow the trend and now the trend is to retrieve the "old-style", not only in the fashion world. Have you noticed how much we are getting back to old traditions? More and more people are fed-up of nouvelle cuisine and want to go back to simplicity. The same with wine. And we are actually assisting to the the "re-birth" to the #sur lie method (in Italy we call it #col fondo which literally means with the residual yeasts). With the natural bottle re-fermentation and no filtration, the wine obtains a natural, "rustic & country" flavor and it is exactly the same type of sparkling wine that our grandparents used to drink. #Costadilà #col fondo wine is now quite in vogue in Italy (#prosecco or #glera grape). I love also #Menti one, made with #garganega. Stefano Menti is an alternative and genuine fellow and he wants his wine to be "deliberately downgraded" (read my post on that if you are curious: http://cenedimary.blogspot.it/2014/05/a-wine-deliberately-downgraded-menti.html),

Ah, I forgot, don't you like #Berlusconi? Well, no doubt, go for #BartoloMascarello "I don't make wines with fantasy names. I don't make crus, I don't make wine in barriques, my wines don't have perfume of vanilla and Limousin oak. I'm the last of the Mohicans".
Great post I really enjoyed it!